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Space Availability - Boka Svenska Dagstidningar

Boka tidningsdatorn
Observera att vi har sommaröppettider 3 juni - 1 september, läs mer här.

Book the newspaper computer
Please observe that we have summer opening hours 3 June - 1 September, read more here.

How to book:

1. Select the time you want in the calender.

2. Choose how long you want to book from the drop-down menu.
Please note that you are allowed to book up to 2 hours per day. Also, if you are more than 15 minutes late for your booking, it will be considered cancelled, and the computer will then be available for other patrons.

3. Click "Submit times" and follow the instructions.

4. It is important that you keep the e-mail containing your booking details, since you will not able to see these in the calendar afterwards.

Book the computer:

   Available    Your Booking    Reserved